Jan 11, 2022

4 Genius Automotive Industry Trends You Should Know About

In 2022, the automotive industry will be in a state of flux. New technologies and innovative business models constantly make their way into this ever-changing industry. To stay ahead of the curve, Vann York Toyota offers customers a reliable service experience to meet their needs.

This blog post will discuss some of the most critical trends in the automotive industry so you can be on top of your game before 2022!

Trend No. 1: The Future of Autonomous Vehicles

The first trend you should know about is the development and growth of autonomous vehicles, or “self-driving” cars as they are more commonly called. Experts have designed these vehicles to reduce road accidents, and many large companies are investing in this technology.

The idea behind improved safety focuses on the easily distracted human driver and that most accidents are caused by human error. Autonomous vehicles promise to eliminate these errors and improve safety on the roads.

While it’s still unclear what the future of autonomous vehicles will look like, it’s essential to stay up-to-date on this trend so you can make decisions about your upcoming purchases.

Trend No. 2: Electric and Hybrid Cars

These names probably sound more familiar to you, as electric and hybrid cars have been on the market for a few years now. However, some significant changes are happening in this industry that you need to be aware of.

For one, electric and hybrid cars are becoming more affordable. In addition, battery life is improving all the time, so much so that an electric vehicle can travel about 250 miles on a single charge!

There is a lot of investment to promote electric cars due to the rising concerns about climate change. Hybrid or electric vehicles, unlike gas-powered cars, emit zero pollution. So as the world becomes more and more environmentally conscious, it’s no wonder that electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming increasingly popular.

Trend No. 3: The Line of Creative Focus

With experts giving more and more attention to the problems of pollution and global warming, the focus of the automotive industry is beginning to change. The line of creative direction is now moving away from gas-powered cars and towards electric and hybrid models.

This isn’t to say that gas-powered cars are going out of style anytime soon – they’re still the most popular type of car on the market. However, as time goes on and people’s awareness increases, we can expect to see more alternative power sources such as battery packs becoming the norm.

Trend No. 4: How Does This Affect Us?

With the introduction of self-driving cars, we can expect to see many changes in the way we shop for vehicles.

Of course, with any new technological advance come growing pains. Still, it’s exciting to think about what the future has in store!

In addition, once electric cars start becoming more mainstream, we won’t need to find places to fill up our vehicles with gas as often. And our carbon footprint will shrink as a result!


Did you find this article interesting? Are you interested in learning more about the automotive industry and the upcoming changes?

If so, visit us at Vann York Toyota! We’re proud to serve High Point, NC, and will be happy to discuss your future car buying needs.

Check out our offers today!